And now back to writing

This blog, hijacked by us in China for the purpose of chronicling our adoption adventures, will now return to normally scheduled programming, sharing the exciting ins and outs of being (trying to be) a successful author.  If you want to follow Irijah’s continued story, as well as the fun antics of raising five kids, check out the new blog,

Tonight…  I write.  It’s the greatest story ever told, retold.  You’re going to love it.

About M.K. Hadley

I am a Christian fiction writer, thirty-seven years in the making. My experiences, my likes, my dislikes, and most importantly my faith, fuel my writing in its message and its delivery. This blog is my outlet for extra thoughts as well as a possible pressure release valve. Advance warning: I do not intend to offend, and intention is the only justification for offense taken. It's up to you. God Bless.
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